netCDF-LD is an approach for constructing Linked Data descriptions using the metadata and structures found in netCDF files. Linked Data is a method of publishing structured data on the web so that it can be interlinked and become more useful through semantic queries. It uses the W3 Resource Description Framework (RDF) standard to express the information and relationships.
netCDF-LD enhances netCDF metadata, enabling information found in netCDF files to be linked with published conventions and controlled vocabularies used to express the content.
netCDF-LD is being developed as part of the OGC netCDF SWG. This activity contributed to the Earthcube Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community. Contributions to netCDF-LD is open to the public. There is a set of relevant Github repositories listed below for this work.
Editors: Mark Hedley, Jonathan Yu.
Acknowledgements to those who contributed: Jim Biard, Nicholas Car, Simon Cox, Ethan Davis, Kelsey Druken, Alex Ip, Adam Leadbetter, Stefano Nativi, Aaron Sweeney.